Homeopathy in Salisbury

Welcome to Elements of Healing, the Homeopathy practice of Thomas Jones. I am a fully licensed, classically trained Homeopath. I have been practicing Homeopathy since 2007. My practice is based in Salisbury, Wiltshire. The clinic is easily accessible from most areas of Wiltshire, Hampshire and Dorset. Locations nearby to Salisbury include Amesbury, Andover, Tidworth, Warminster, Winchester, Southampton and Basingstoke.

Benefits of Homeopathy:

  • Heal Physical Conditions
  • Resolve Personal Issues
  • Restore Health and Vitality
  • Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Healing with Homeopathy

Homeopathy is a safe, effective and natural form of holistic medicine. It works gently and safely to raise the vitality and wellbeing of the whole person, bringing balance and harmony to the emotions, mind and physical body. Homeopathic treatment gives the client the opportunity to heal from past issues and move forward to experience greater levels of emotional and physical wellbeing.


Treating the Whole Person

In many ways homeopathic treatment is similar to counselling or psychotherapy. Much time is spent with the client talking about their problems and how they feel about them. Perhaps the most important aspect of taking the case is being able to truly understand the person seeking my help. Homeopathy treats the whole person, not just the symptoms of disease. It is crucial to develop an understanding of how the client’s problem affects them as a whole person before a curative remedy can be prescribed.